Sunshine Canyon Landfill Open House and Tour (August 3rd, 9:30 a.m. to Noon)

Please use the link below to sign up  (RSVP) for the tour of the landfill.  Please park at the Admin Building, and a shuttle will be taking you up to the observation deck.

You will be able to able to ask question of many technical and regulatory experts, Food will be served also.

Hope to see you there...!

July 3, 2024

On June 3, 2024, the SCL LEA received a set of documents titled "Sunshine Canyon Landfill Joint Technical Document Amendment Application Package ",  which pursuant to State regulatory requirements, the SCL LEA has 30 days to review and to accept or reject the application.   

In evaluating the application package, the LEA reviewed the following documents:

   • Completed Application For Solid Waste Facility Permit (CIWMB E-1-77)

   • Joint Technical Document (JTD), dated May 2024

The RFI amendment was submitted in response to the recently issued five-year permit review report and to update the following sections:

   • Amendments to the final grading plan.

   • Improvements to an existing internal access roadway, installation of surface drainage and erosion control measures, and installation of an alternate scale station.

   • Extended use of the EnviroTM Cover system as an Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) for up to 48 hours on weekends

   • Updated equipment and personnel list

   • Updated closure phasing and closure and post‐closure maintenance cost estimates

   • Updated Non‐Water Quality Corrective Action Plan and Cost Estimate

   • Update of waste flow projections, remaining facility capacity and site life

   • Updated Landfill gas collection system

   • Updated groundwater monitoring system

   • Updated existing and proposed facilities plans

In accordance with Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 21650, the LEA has determined that the application package meets the requirements of 27 CCR, Section 21570 and is acceptable for filing; and the JTD meets the requirements of Title 27, Section 21600. Additionally, pursuant to 27 CCR, Section 21665(c), the LEA has made the following determinations:

   1. The proposed change is consistent with all applicable certified and/or adopted CEQA documents.

   2. The proposed change is acceptable and consistent with state minimum standards.

   3. The proposed change does not conflict with the terms and conditions in the current SWFP.

Copies of the Public Notice (Pursuant to 27 CCR Section 21660.1),  and SCL LEA's Letter to CalRecycle Determination of that th application package meets the requirements of 27 CCR, Section 21570 and is acceptable for filing, and copies of the Joint Technical Document – Complete PDF copies of Volumes I, II, and III, can be accessed using the following link below:


May 21, 2024

SCL LEA will be holding a hybrid (both in person and via teleconference) Board of Director Meeting on May 28, 2024, at 2:30 pm.  The meeting location will be at Room 1060 (10th Floor), at the Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street.  Meeting Agenda and supporting documents can be viewed at the "Meetings and Agendas" page of this website.

December 19, 2023

SCL LEA and Republic hosted visitors from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and Department of Public Works and professor/students from the CSUN NASA-funded Autonomy Research Center.   After the tour of the landfill, the group visited the CSUN ARCS facility and had a detailed technical discussion on landfills.  

December 11, 2023

Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsay Horvath and staff, along with visitors from Los Angeles County Department of Public Works visited the Sunshine Canyon Landfill to view the various operations going on at the landfill.  

November 29,  2023

SCL LEA will be holding a Board of Director Meeting on December 7, 2023 at 2:30 pm.  The meeting location will be at Room 1060 (10th Floor), at the Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street.  Meeting Agenda and supporting documents can be viewed at the "Meetings and Agendas" page of this website.

November 9, 2023

Ms. Dee Lugo (Co-Program Manager) of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill was awarded the 2023 Ralph Hunter Memorial Award for 2023.   The Ralph Hunter Memorial Award recognizes an individual who has made a major impact to the LEA/solid waste field.    SCL LEA's Co-Program Manager, David Thompson, was awarded the same recognition in 2017.     The award recognizes an individual who has made a major impact to the LEA/solid waste field by development of a special or new program, involvement with educational activities, involvement on committees and/or workgroups, involvement in the permitting and/or enforcement process, or any special achievement which enhances the delivery of protecting the public health and other environmental health principles through the LEA/EA program. Our SCL LEA is blessed to be guided by two Ralph Hunter award winners.   

October 26, 2023

The staff of Council District 12 toured the Sunshine Canyon Landfill and got a view of the daily operations of the landfill.

October 17, 2023

The SCL LEA has received an application for a 5-year permit review from Sunshine Canyon Landfill.   The SCL LEA has started its review of the documents.  The permit review report is required to be completed by December 27, 2023.  The submitted package can be downloaded from the "Documents" page of this website.  

February 3, 2023

The SCL LEA Board of Directors Meeting will be held “in person” going forward until further notice.  Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the COVID-19 State of Emergency will end on February 28, 2023; and Mayor Karen Bass of the City of Los Angeles announced that the COVID-19 Declaration of Local Emergency will end on February 1, 2023.  Both announcements are attached below for your reference.

December 2, 2022

The SCL LEA Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for December 8, 2022.  Due to continued COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be conducted online to minimize the spread of the disease, protect our communities and the environment.  Details for how to participate in the MS Teams meeting and Agenda Items will be posted on the "Meetings and Agendas" page of this website. 

November 4, 2022

The SCL LEA Board of Directors will be conducting a "Special Meeting" on November 8, 2022.  California Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361) modified Brown Act requirements to allow a legislative body to continue the use of remote meetings during a proclaimed State of Emergency such as COVID pandemic.  This meeting is convened to make findings and determine the right to teleconferencing in accordance with AB 361 requirements.  The meeting will be conducted virtually via MS Teams.  Details for how to participate in the MS Teams meeting and Meeting Agenda will be posted on the "Special Meetings and Agendas" page of this website. 

December 7, 2021

The SCL LEA Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for December 16, 2021.  In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Safer-At-Home Orders, this meeting will be conducted virtually via MS Teams.  Details for how to participate in the MS Teams meeting and Agenda Items will be posted on the "Meetings and Agendas" page of this website. 

November 19, 2021

(Picture of CSUN / UCLA Students, see below)

Sunshine Canyon Landfill site visit by students from UCLA Sustainability Class (several students working on aerial / remote monitoring of landfill emissions); .....and also by students from Cal State Northridge NASA-funded research team on a National Science Foundation project to evaluate updating the organics solid waste management infrastructure (from processing to disposal to regulatory enforcement) using multi-disciplinary approach and also evaluating the potential of using innovative digital tools to improve facility efficiency and improve worker health and safety of the industry.  The Sunshine Canyon Landfill and the SCL LEA are the case study reference best management practices entities and have been asked to help provide guidance in these research studies.