November 8, 2022
2:30 PM
Notice Publication Date: November 4, 2022
AB 361 modified Brown Act requirements to allow a legislative body to continue the use of remote meetings during a proclaimed State of Emergency such as COVID pandemic. This meeting is convened to make findings and determine the right to continue teleconferencing in accordance with AB 361, Section 3(e)(3) 30-Day Findings.
This meeting is a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors and will proceed pursuant to Government Code section 54956.
The meeting will be conducted online. In order to participate in the meeting, please click on the following link: Join the meeting and follow the instructions; or by calling: 1-323-776-6996, Conference ID: 314 662 534#
LOCATION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: The Sunshine Canyon Landfill is located at 14747 San Fernando Road in the Granada Hills area of the City of Los Angeles and an area of unincorporated Los Angeles County.
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order/Welcome
Approval of the Special Board Meeting minutes
Comments from the public concerning Meeting Agenda No. 4 [1}
Consider whether to adopt findings pursuant to California Assembly Bill 361 - Findings Necessary to Continue Teleconference Meetings of the Board of Directors
Any correspondence to the SCL LEA Board of Directors should be addressed to:
SCL LEA Board of Directors
C/O Ms. Dorcas (Dee) Hanson-Lugo, SCL LEA Program Manager
5050 Commerce Drive, Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Copies of materials relating to agenda items are available for review on the Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency website at: Sunshine Canyon Landfill LEA - SPECIAL MEETINGS & AGENDAS (scllea.org), or at the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health office at above address. Contact Dorcas (Dee) Hanson-Lugo at (626) 430-5540, or dlugo@ph.lacounty.gov for more information.
[1] Each person wishing to address the Board of Directors concerning the special agenda is asked to provide written comments via email to Dorcas (Dee) Hanson-Lugo. The comments will be read during the public comments section. If oral comments are preferred, each speaker will have 2 minutes.