The attached documents (in PDF Format) are the governing documents of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency (SCL LEA) and of the landfill.  

You can download the following documents from the "Attachments" section below:

Copy of COVID-19 Public Service Announcements, please access and download files below:  

1.    The Sunshine Canyon Solid Waste Facility Permit.  

This is the facility operations permit issued by CalRecycle (formerly the California Integrated Waste Management Board).  It provides a list of the CalRecycle operational conditions that the landfill has to comply with.  


2.    SCL LEA Enforcement Program Plan (EPP)

This document is the official operations document that describes how the SCL LEA carries out its administrative and operational duties.  This document is revised / updated each year to include any new requirements and/or changes in Federal, State, and/or local laws.  The EPP is also reviewed each year by CalRecycle and approved.  The maintenance / updating of the EPP is part of the SCL LEA certification process.   


3.    Joint Powers Agreement

Part of Sunshine Canyon Landfill is located within the City of Los Angeles and part within the County of Los Angeles.   The City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers (JPA) Agreement for the creation of this new local enforcement agency, the Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency (SCL LEA), in the County and City of Los Angeles.  


4.    CalRecycle SCL LEA Certification Letter

This letter is a copy of the most recent CalRecycle approval/certification of the SCL LEA. 


5.    Republic's Submittal of Joint Technical Document Amendment Application Package

On June 3, 2024, the SCL LEA received a set of documents titled "Sunshine Canyon Landfill Joint Technical Document Amendment Application Package ",  which pursuant to State regulatory requirements, the SCL LEA has 30 days to review and to accept or reject the application.   

In evaluating the application package, the LEA reviewed the following documents:

   • Completed Application For Solid Waste Facility Permit (CIWMB E-1-77)

   • Joint Technical Document (JTD), dated May 2024

The RFI amendment was submitted in response to the recently issued five-year permit review report and to update the following sections:

   • Amendments to the final grading plan.

   • Improvements to an existing internal access roadway, installation of surface drainage and erosion control measures, and installation of an alternate scale station.

   • Extended use of the EnviroTM Cover system as an Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) for up to 48 hours on weekends

   • Updated equipment and personnel list

   • Updated closure phasing and closure and post‐closure maintenance cost estimates

   • Updated Non‐Water Quality Corrective Action Plan and Cost Estimate

   • Update of waste flow projections, remaining facility capacity and site life

   • Updated Landfill gas collection system

   • Updated groundwater monitoring system

   • Updated existing and proposed facilities plans

In accordance with Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 21650, the LEA has determined that the application package meets the requirements of 27 CCR, Section 21570 and is acceptable for filing; and the JTD meets the requirements of Title 27, Section 21600. Additionally, pursuant to 27 CCR, Section 21665(c), the LEA has made the following determinations:

   1. The proposed change is consistent with all applicable certified and/or adopted CEQA documents.

   2. The proposed change is acceptable and consistent with state minimum standards.

   3. The proposed change does not conflict with the terms and conditions in the current SWFP.

Copies of the Public Notice (Pursuant to 27 CCR Section 21660.1),  and SCL LEA's Letter to CalRecycle Determination of that th application package meets the requirements of 27 CCR, Section 21570 and is acceptable for filing, and copies of the Joint Technical Document – Complete PDF copies of Volumes I, II, and III, can be accessed using the following link below:


6.    Environmental Justice 

The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines environmental justice as: “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.  The SCL LEA has compiled the most recent social demographic data and conducted a review to assess the environmental justice issues posed by the siting and operations of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill.  A summary review and a document describing the statistical methodology is provided below. 

7.    Panoramic Video of Landfill  (November 28, 2017)

A video of the landfill taken from the observation deck can be downloaded below.  

8.   2023 Wet Weather Prepardness Report (November 16, 2023)

Republic Services has submitted a revised 2023 Wet Weather Preparedness Report (November 2023) which reflects comments from various agencies on the initial draft.   The Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency has completed review and approved of this revised version.  The document is available for downloading (by clicking on the document in the Attachments below).